An unrivalled way to deal with dust!
In many workplaces dust is a major problem - it significantly slow down your production due to repeated clean-ups during the working process as well as cause slip hazards and some health issues. Because of the high speed tooling used and the type of material machined, operating a CNC nesting and routing centre generates a lot of chips and dust. Thanks to the new version of the TORNADO®, dust and chip extraction nut set, you no longer have to worry about this. The new TORNADO® is faster, cleaner and safer solution of getting a “dust-free” factory!
Now in a smaller 80mm diameter that removes the dust even more efficiently than previous versions. It runs quieter and has no moving small parts. New TORNADO® is even more efficient and reliable providing even better performance. It means no wasted time during working process, less downtime between the cycles and up to 90% dust reduction from the workpiece.
Let’s see what has been improved about the new 80mm diameter version of TORNADO®
A greater extraction ability and less risk of breakage
- Tools and collets are now closer to workpiece – this in turn means considerably more effective extraction, less risk of tool breakage and increased performance
- Longer-lasting tools and increased life of machine bearings
- By creating a whirlwind effect the Tornado directs airflow and allows to remove up to 90% of the dust
Much better chips evacuation
- Special surface hardening treatment for longer performance and coating against wear and corrosion helps both dust and chips evacuation during Nesting and conventional CNC Routing operations
- More holes for tightening - thanks to 9 holes the clamping is easier
Technical information
- For maximum results Tornado must be run 3-10mm above material being cut (good results up to 25mm)
- Work efficiently up to a maximum rotation speed of 20 000 RPM
- Balanced at G 2.5
- Weight 0.4kg
Easy to assemble directly on the collet chuck instead of the standard nut, the new TORNADO® provides a big improvement of dust evacuation, removing it from the work piece directly into the centralised extraction system of the CNC machine.
Take the first step towards a better work environment with affordable solution: THE TORNADO DUST AND CHIP EXTRACTION NUT. Get dust-free factory today same as Scott from Cabtec Ltd. He says: "Love it! It's set up on our main compression cutter and it makes a huge difference to clean up!"
Get 25% off on the new Tornado. Suitable for nesting, routing and profiling, Especially recommended for working on chipboard, MDF and coated chipboard. Enter the promo code TORNADO_25 when you get to the checkout stage online and you’ll receive 25% discount.
ASK AN EXPERT If you have questions about a specific type of material or need more information about the new version of TORNADO®, contact our customer care team HERE and get accurate technical support from industry specialists.